Friday, 12 June 2015

Task 3: Editing Process

There are various different techniques you can use when editing footage which include:
  • Seamless
    • An great example of this is in film "Birdman" where they use panning shot so the audience doesn't notice the cuts
  • Continuity
    • A good example of this is in "Britney Spears' Till the World Ends" where the camera looks like it floats upwards.
  • Motivated
    • An example of motivated editing is in a "Band of Brothers" scene with the use of flashbacks.
  • Montage
    • A great example of montage editing is in the "Hot Fuzz" opening scene.
  • Jump cutting
    • An example of jump cutting is in "Royal Tenenbaums" where the main character is shaving
  • Parallel editing
    • A good example of this is in "The Godfather" where things are happening on screen seemingly simultaneously.

There are also various different editing transitions that are used within editing which include:
  • Cut
    • Cuts in editing are the simplest form of editing which is simply when you put two clips together. For example:

  • Dissolve
    • This transition looks like this:

  • Fade
    • The fade transition looks like this:

  • Wipe
    • "Star wars 3" has many different wipe transitions these include Iris wipe, Matrix wipe and Invisible wipe

There are also different appropriate conventions in video editing such as:
  • Cutaways
    • An example of cutaway is in "300" where with each cut we assume we are looking at something from the main characters perspective.

  • Cutting on action
    • An example of this is from "The Matrix" cutting to the characters when the action begins

  • Creating juxtapositions
    • A good example of this is in "The Godfather" baptising scene where there is the opposition of the baptism and murder within this scene

  • Intercutting
    • An example of intercutting is in "Dracula" that contrasts the religion and demonic scenes.
Dracula Intercutting
There are also different techniques used in editing for example:
  • Pace effectively
    • In editing editors change the pacing of the story to create different feelings for example in action films the pace would be very fast. Slower paced footage would be used in drama piece

  • Use sound to create impact
    • This is used to create tension and bring focus to certain points in the film. For example the "Inception Bwong" which is used in most trailers.

  • Synchronise sound and vision
    • This is used in every film and animation where you have to re-create sounds for the footage that you have filmed so that the audience cannot tell that the sound is has been created. It is important that the audience cannot tell that the sound has been reproduced.

  • Mix soundtracks
    • This is the combining the individual tracks for the different instruments and vocals to create one soundtrack.

  • Overlap sound
    • This is the process of putting different sounds and music over each other for example in "Mission Impossible 2" there is the motorbike noise, gunshots and music overlapping.

  • Offline edit
    • This is part of post-production where the raw footage is copied and editing not affecting the original footage.

  • Online edit
    • This is part of the final stage of video production that happens after offline editing this is now done using video editing software that operate on non-linear editing software.

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